Clinician Involvement in Ontario Health Teams (OHTs)
The Ontario government is working towards a goal of having a connected, fully integrated health care system centred around patients, families and caregivers. As part of this system, providers will need to be engaged and organized as one co-ordinated team within an Ontario Health Team (OHT).
The NPAO and NPLCA recommend the following principles for all clinicians participating in this planning work.
1. Acknowledgement of Expertise
OHT planning and implementation will involve the expertise of all participants.
While there will be a variety of expertise required of clinicians within the OHT, every OHT team should have NP participation, and equitable representation opportunities for all participants regardless of clinical designation is expected. NP leadership is essential as they can support collaboration between all healthcare providers, enable organizations to implement change effectively, and improve the patient experience.
2. Recognition of Time Commitment
Primary care providers interested in OHT work are often those most engaged in system change. Many participants do so at their own expense, or in addition to their usual roles, responsibilities and time commitments.
As OHT work demands additional member time and attention, it is recommended that compensation for participation be reimbursed at the following amounts for work done:
Clinician rates be reimbursed at the same amount regardless of designation.
For example:
NP leadership to be compensated at the same rate as physician leadership of $165/hr.
Clinical Expertise Stipends:
Reimbursed according to annualized salary or in accordance with similar reimbursement models.
3. Fairness
As the foundation of an equitable health care system, the OHT must strive to empower all professional members by modelling equity, diversity and inclusivity in the experience of participation in partnering to create and build a better system for integrated health care delivery
1. Options for Remuneration:
a. Direct stipend from the OHT for self-employed clinicians or those who participate outside of their work or scope of their organizational role.
b. Member organization reimburse participant at a predetermined rate, typically that
person’s regular salary, as part of that organizations “in kind “commitment.
2. Out of pocket expenses for all participants should be reimbursed, with receipts provided (travel, parking, etc.).
3. Provided that the clinician is not being remunerated through another mechanism, they are eligible for remuneration for:
● Committee or Working Group Leadership
● Steering Committee or Operations (core Planning Committee) participation
● Speaking at an OHT Event (Town Hall, Governance Committee)
Dr Michelle Acorn, DNP NP PHC/Adult – CEO, Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario
Valerie Winberg MN, NP-PHC – Chair, Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic Association