Professional Liability Protection
Statement: NPAO calls on the Government of Ontario to provide a subsidy to NPAO, equitable to that received annually by RNAO, to help fund the required professional liability protection coverage for Nurse Practitioners members of NPAO.
Adequate PLP is also a requirement by the College of Nurses of Ontario for all nurses.
Currently the Ontario Government provides funding for the professional liability protection (PLP) coverage for family physicians, nurses who are members of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) (some of whom are NPS), and midwife members of the Association of Ontario Midwives (AOM). NPAO does not receive any funding from the Government of Ontario for PLP assistance for its members. NP members of NPAO must pay out of pocket to purchase the legislated PLP protection. This means that half of the Nurse Practitioners pay considerably more to practice in Ontario than the other half.
In a recent NPAO survey, over 87% of respondents indicated they pay for PLP coverage out of their own pocket. Ninety-nine percent (99%) or respondents believe the government should provide NPAO with a similar Professional Liability Protection subsidy that is currently provided to other professional healthcare associations. Eighty percent (80%) or respondents indicated that the costs of PLP insurance has either a Substantial Influence (40%) or Some Influence (40%) on decisions related to joining a professional association.
NPAO grew to an independent organization in 2015 from within the special interest groups of the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO). As the scope of practice and the unique needs of Nurse Practitioners expanded, the members voted overwhelmingly to create an independent NPAO to specifically address the needs of Nurse Practitioners in the Province. Nurse Practitioners deserve an organization that is focused on representing their unique needs.
NPAO is an effective representative for Nurse Practitioners in this province and a respected and valued ally for the Ministries of Health and Long Term Care. NPAO provides substantial education to Nurse Practitioners, works collaboratively with many health care organizations and connects the front line Nurse Practitioner with the Ministries for effective policy direction and decision making. From all accounts, the Ministries value our relationship and contributions. It would be in the best interests of the MOHLTC to have a strong NPAO by its side.
Inequitable access to PLP funding has a debilitating effect on NPAO’s future sustainability as an organization. Using taxpayer dollars to advantage some NPs over others is not only unfair and unjust, but anti-competitive and is in the Ontario Government’s control.
LINK: Letter to Ministry of Health