Nurse Practitioner Practice, Integration, and Outcomes Study

April 14th, 2014

NPinPinkShirt-BrochurePhotoThe aim of this study is to foster a greater understanding of the nurse practitioners’ practices in Ontario that contribute to interprofessional collaboration among nurses, doctors, and other providers for the purpose of providing high quality, timely and safe care to hospitalized patients and long term care residents.

Nurse practitioners have been described as the “hub” of care provided to patients admitted to hospitals. They are in a position to spearhead coordination of patient care.  There is limited understanding of how nurse practitioners enhance the practices of other professionals on the healthcare team and this study provided a unique opportunity to better understand their role in patient centred care.


The study revealed a number of important findings:

Nurse Practitioners in acute and long term care facilities reported full engagement in interprofessional care, and they said they could increase their activities of interdependence to enhance the provision of health services to patients. The study further found that Nurse Practitioners are consistent, available, peacemakers who bridge professions and focus on patient care. One additional finding was that Nurse Practitioners use three forms of interacting which include: “brief knotworking” to build and share information, “rapid knotworking” to promote collaboration, negotiation and delegation and they are initiators of social interactions that build trust and foster professional relationships.

The Nurse Practitioner Practice, Integration and Outcomes Study is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care and is designed to explore nurse practitioners’ practices within a healthcare professional team setting. This was accomplished by undertaking a nurse practitioner self-assessment survey of 149 nurses, conducting interviews with 52 healthcare professionals in 10 different health care professions, and professional third party observations of 24 nurse practitioners in regions across Ontario in both hospital and long term care settings.DSC00209

This research study describes the interprofessional activities of nurse practitioners and how they contribute to interprofessional care. Knowledge from this study will  be used to improve nurse practitioner role clarity and recognize role value. The study also outlines how nurse practitioners interact with interprofessional team members to influence interprofessional care. The knowledge of how nurse practitioners interact is valuable for practicing nurse practitioners and their educators to influence purposeful engagement in interprofessional care.

What are the next steps?

  1. Further exploration from the patient and family perspective is underway
  2. We are completing a study aimed to determine the extent to which nurse practitioners’ practices are associated with improvement in patient and system outcomes


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Downloadable Assets

CBC News Article: Nurse practitioners offer good value in health care, study says

Fact Sheet: This is a more detailed explanation of the study and its findings which can be download here.   Study Fact Sheet
Glossary: This is a glossary of terms to help explain some of the more technical health related language used in this study.Glossary


Main Contact:Please contact Tina directly to learn more about this studyTina Hurlock-Chorostecki, PhD, NP Adult Assistant Professor, Western University and, Nurse Practitioner, London Health Sciences Centre     offfice: 519-685-8500 ext 57246 cell: 519-619-7451

Video: We have included links to video interview comments from key principle investigators and co-investigators to offer in-depth insight into the study. These videos are available to use “as is” in whole or in part for any news article relating directly to this study and its findings.  Tina Hurlock-Chorostecki, PhD, NP Adult Assistant Professor, Western University and, Nurse Practitioner, London Health Sciences Centrepix 2_resized
Kathleen MacMillan, RN, PhD, Professor and Director, School of Nursing, Dalhousie Universitypix 1_resized 
Mary van Soeren, RN, PhDAssociate Professor and Associate Director Undergraduate Programs, School of Nursing, Dalhousie University  pix 4_resized 

Scott Reeves, PhD, Professor in Interprofessional Research, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Kingston/St George’s University of London, UK, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Interprofessional Care pix 3_resized


The Study Team

Principal Investigators


Souraya Sidani, PhD, Professor and Canada Research Chair, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaMary van Soeren, RN, PhD, Associate Professor and Associate Director Undergraduate Programs, School of Nursing, Dalhousie University
Kathleen MacMillan, RN, PhD, Professor and Director, School of Nursing, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Tina Hurlock-Chorostecki, PhD, NP Adult, Assistant Professor, Western University and, Nurse Practitioner, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Scott Reeves, PhD, Professor in Interprofessional Research, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Kingston/St George’s University of London, UK., Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Interprofessional Care
Patti Harbman, NP-PHC, PhD, Nurse Scientist, Trillium Health Partners, Postdoctoral Fellow, Health Interventions Research Centre, Ryerson University, Assistant Clinical Professor, Canadian Centre for Advanced Practice Nursing Research, McMaster University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

Project Co-ordinator

Faith Donald, NP-PHC, PhD, Associate Professor, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Affiliate Faculty, Canadian Centre for Advanced Practice Nursing Research, McMaster University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
Laura Collins, BA, MES, Project Coordinator, Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
 Patti Staples, RNEC, NP-A, MScN, Nurse Practitioner, Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, Ontario, Canada 

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