Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics Association

The Association provides opportunities for mutual support and empowerment among
professionals within Ontario-based NPLCs to assist NPLCs in fulfilling their
operational and strategic goals, while concurrently advocating for the expansion and provincial
support for NPLC inter-professional primary care teams and improvements in client care
efficiency and outcomes.

The Association:
(a) acts as the “common voice” of NPLCs,
(b) examines and responds to Ministry policy and program initiatives that have implications
for NPLCs and their patients,
(c) promotes governance excellence,
(d) promotes the expansion of the Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic Model of Primary Health Care,
(e) promotes geographic equity in access to NPLCs in Ontario, and
(f) works with other primary health care organizations to improve primary health care in Ontario.

NPLCA Executive Committee 2024/25
Chair: Valerie Winberg (Executive Director & Clinical Lead, Twin Bridges NPLC)
Past Chair: Teresa Wetselaar (NP Lead, West Parry Sound NPLC)
Treasurer: Chuck Lefebvre (Administrative Lead, North Muskoka NPLC)
Ad hoc Members:
Beth Cowper-Fung (Clinic Director & Nurse Practitioner, Georgina NPLC)
Jessie Rumble (Clinical Director/NP Lead, Ingersoll NPLC)
Stephanie Nevins (Executive Director, Ingersoll NPLC)
Leanne Terry (Administrative Lead, Waterloo Region NPLC)
Secretary: Pavarni Jorgensen (NPAO)

Contact NPLCA:

For more information on NPLCS, please visit the Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics page.

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