Media Releases

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The Nurse Practitioners Association of Ontario (NPAO), as the representative body of over 5000 Nurse Practitioners (NPs), applauds the Ontario Ministry of Health for the significant investment of $546 million allocated towards Primary Health Care (PHC). 

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NPAO Welcomes the Announcement of the Nursing Retention Toolkit

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NPAO Statement on Bill 124

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NPAO announces new CEO: Dr. Michelle Acorn

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Advocacy Statement re: Funding Models for NPs

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NPAO statement re: South Keys Health Centre

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NPAO’s Response to CBC Article

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Ontario’s healthcare system is suffering: the prescription is Nurse Practitioners

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The Future of a Strong Health Care System in Ontario Relies on Nurse Practitioners

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It’s Time – Removing Barriers for NPs

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Celebrating Nurse Practitioner Week: November 7 – 13, 2021

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Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario Applauds Government of Ontario’s Investment in Long Term Care

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NPAO Statement on the Final Report of Ontario’s COVID19 Long Term Care Commission

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