Who is NPAO?
The Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario (NPAO) was founded in 1973 by a group of Nurse Practitioner (NP) graduates from the two newly established NP education programs in Ontario at that time: McMaster University and the University of Toronto. NPAO was founded to represent Nurse Practitioners primarily functioning in primary care in Ontario. Click Here to view our 40th Anniversary Video (November, 2013)
This group of pioneers worked hard at raising the visibility of the role of the NP by promoting the role through media interviews. They also lobbied elected officials and the leaders of other disciplines to create an awareness of the real contribution that nursing could make in the health care system. NPs even influenced nursing leaders who were still unfamiliar with the potential for this role.
In 1998 it changed its mandate to include NPs in all levels of health care: primary, secondary and tertiary care.
NPAO is served by a voluntary Board elected by the membership. NPAO sponsors an annual conference, maintains the web site, publishes a regular e-newsletter, facilitates local continuing education programs and offers five awards/bursaries to members.
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