Job Opportunities

Island Health

Job Title / Position:Nurse Practitioner
City:Port Alberni
Time Commitment:Full time

Job Description

The nurse practitioner is responsible and accountable for the comprehensive assessment of patients including diagnosing diseases, disorders, and conditions. The nurse practitioner initiates treatment including health care management, therapeutic interventions and prescribes medications in accordance with the statutory and regulatory standards, limits and conditions, policy, and guidelines. The nurse practitioner provides professional guidance to other health professionals and practices autonomously and interdependently within the context of an interdisciplinary health care team, making referrals to physicians and others as appropriate.

This position collaborates with patients and other members of the interdisciplinary team to identify and asses trends and patterns that have implications for patients, families and communities; develops and implement population and evidence based strategies to improve health and participates in policy-making activities that influence health services and practices. The position participates in peer review and self review to evaluate the outcome of services at the patient, community, and population level.

This position will be supporting the Port Alberni Nurse Practitioner Clinic. This clinic is part of the Port Alberni Primary Care Network and has implemented a team-based care approach with the support of a registered nurse and pharmacist.

Job Requirements

Registration with BC College of Nurses and Midwives as a practicing NP registrant; successful completion of the OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) and two (2) years of recent, relevant clinical nursing experience.

Job Application Methods

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