Ontario 2018 Election

In preparation to Ontario 2018 elections, NPAO engaged with leaders from the major provincial parties do discuss important election topics.

NPAO Election Platform and Questionnaire

In February 2018, NPAO and CNA met with each provincial party to discuss how each candidate planned to address the questions and concerns of our Election Platform.

NPAO presented the candidates with the following questions:

  1. Will you invest in professional equalization, ensuring equal pay for equal work for ALL Nurse Practitioners working across ALL sectors?
  2. Will you create an integrated funding structure for healthcare, based on quality outcomes that will:
    • Ensure that the best care is provided by the most appropriate and cost-effective provider?
    • Create innovative funding mechanisms that allows for NPs to be compensated for the work they do?
  3. Will you ensure every Ontarian has timely access to an NP or family physician by:
    • Targeting investments in community primary care?
    • Expanding access to NP-led models of care such as Nurse Practitioner Led Clinics (NPLCs) in communities where there is a demonstrated need?
  4. Will you commit to increase the number of NPs available to care for high-risk populations?
  5. Will your government commit to extend the “Medical Liability Protection Reimbursement Program” to all actively practicing Nurse Practitioners?
  6. How will you invest in NP education and Continuing Professional Education?
  7. How do NPs fit your party’s vision for the future of healthcare?

Click the links bellow to read each party’s response.


Nursing Week and Candidate Video Responses

In April 2018, the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and the Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario (NPAO) asked Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner, Ontario Liberal Party Leader Kathleen Wynne, Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath and Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford the following questions:

  1. What is your vision for health care in Ontario during your first term and beyond? How will RNs, nurse practitioners (NPs) and registered practical nurses (RPNs) be part of it?
  2. NPAO has recommended targeted investments in community care, nurse practitioner-led clinics, NPs in mental health and addictions, and attending NPs in long-term care and in acute care with specialized populations, including neonatal intensive care. What is your plan to increase access for all Ontarians to primary care and care for high-risk populations?
  3. The theme for National Nursing Week 2018, May 7-13, is #YesThisIsNursing. During this special week, CNA and NPAO will be celebrating the dedication of more than 421,000 nurses across Canada, including nearly 105,000 in Ontario, to the health and well-being of our nation. What is your message to Ontario’s nurses and nurse practitioners during National Nursing Week 2018?

Please watch the following video responses:

Green Party Ontario – Mike Schreiner

Liberal Party – Kathleen Wynne

New Democrats Party – Andrea Horwath

Progressive Conservatives – Doug Ford


NPAO is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse or support any political party, platform or candidate.

These video responses from the leaders of the parties in Ontario provide Ontarians with relevant information to help them better evaluate the public policies of parties and candidates.

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