NPAO – NPLCA Budget Submission Advocacy Documents
The Promise of Efficient & Effective Healthcare Delivery
Health care delivery in Ontario is suffering. Ontario is suffering an acute shortage of primary care providers that significantly limits access to health care for millions of Ontarians.
In Ontario alone, there are over one million patients without regular access to a primary care provider and are considered ‘unattached’. As the province’s population continues to grow both in size and age, stress is added to an already struggling system, limiting the abilities of family physicians to provide access and timely care.
More and more, health care is recognizing the unique promise that Nurse Practitioners (NPs) present to the quality of care in Ontario. NPs contribute expertise as clinicians, leaders, educators, and researchers in inspiring and impactful ways. They are the fastest growing nursing category in Canada.
Nurse Practitioners present an opportunity for the Government of Ontario to close the many gaps in our health care system. Funding is the most significant barrier to better utilize NPs to improve patient care in this province.