NPAO Conference – Symposium

$5,750.00 + HST


An opportunity to actively engage with conference delegates by hosting a breakfast or dinner symposium. Symposia are generally 1-2 hours in length and draw 50 to 100 people (sponsors may limit attendance).

For more details please see our Sponsor & Exhibitor Prospectus.

Purchasers must read and agree to the NPAO Conference Terms & Conditions and COVID-19 Policy at checkout before completing their transaction.

SKU: NPAO-Conf-SYMP Categories: ,


Benefits Include:

  • Selection of speaker and topic (subject to approval by the NPAO Conference Planning Committee)
  • Promotion of the symposium in the preliminary program which is sent electronically to past conference attendees, announced through Twitter and posted on the NPAO website
  • Listing of the symposium as a session for online registration
  • Logo on on-site recognition at the conference
  • Logo on signage identifying sponsors of the symposium
  • Placement of logo on the sponsorship recognition page in the Final Program
  • Quarter page ad in the Final Program
  • Two complimentary conference registrations (access to conference sessions)

Purchasers must read and agree to the NPAO Conference Terms & Conditions and COVID-19 Policy at checkout before completing their transaction.

* Symposia sponsors are responsible for paying all associated speaker fees, audiovisual and food and beverage costs

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